Thursday, January 6, 2011

Something Old, New, Borrowed and BLUE!

With the renovations and the cleaning out of stuff accumulated over the 26 years we have lived here, my wedding dress was "re-discovered". Sarah is the only one who can fit into it now and was eager to try it on. It is still in perfect condition but I didn't want her to smile because she had just finished a "pushpop" lolly and her mouth was all blue!


Teresa Abajo said...

What a lovely discovery! I dont' want to find mine - I want to hold onto the fantasy that I haven't changed a bit since then. don't burst my bubble ;)

Ro Bruhn said...

Wow Joanne, for a minute there I was in shock, I thought you had a child bride on your hands. The dress definitely suits Sarah and doesn't look out of fashion.

Gretz said...

Sarah looks gorgeous in your dress!I don't think I would fit mine either LOL. I was only 47.5 kg when I got married!